Taraszcza (PL)

Taraszcza (PL)

Taraszcza (PL)

Taraszcza (Enwer Bey x Gazella II), yet she survived the long trek from Janow Podlaski to Tersk in 1939 as a two year old (her dam Gazella II also made the trip to Tersk at 25 years of age). During 1941-1943 the entire Tersk stud was evacuated to western Kazakhstan. While there, Taraszcza gave birth to Operetka by Ofir, and Patent by Piolun. Taraszcza is perhaps most well known for being the dam of Negatiw by Naseem, but had a total of 18 foals for Tersk.

Abu Mlech (PL)

Mlech 1

Lania (PL)

Koheilan IV

238 Amurath (PL)

Gazella II (PL)